Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hello World!

Well, It's been a very long time, but I decided the time was right to start this blog up again. A lot has changed around here since I last posted. Our little family has gone through multiple life changing events from job changes, health scares and the loss of loved ones. But it hasn't been all bad. The Lord has safely seen us through everything and will no doubt continue to do so.

Now I spend my days at home rather than as an elementary school counselor (check out my website for great parenting/kids resources). It feels like I'm even busier now than I ever was before, sometimes I wonder how I ever did it back then... no wonder I was tired all the time! I now have time to cook more and spend my energy in more positive ways. I've also been spending time reading blogs, researching whole foods and natural cleaning methods, and trying out lots of yummy new recipes.

All the wonderful inspiration I've received from the blogs I've been reading has inspired me to jump back into writing mine. I know it isn't much now, but I'll get there eventually. Just so you know, my cooking and crafting are way better than my photography :-)  Working on this blog today, it feels like I'm starting all over again because it's been so long since my last post. I anticipate I'll mostly be writing about my family, recipes we've liked (and not liked), and crafts I'm working on at the moment. But first, I thought I'd take a moment and introduce myself.

Rob swept me off my feet when I was still just a relative baby. We married young and grew up together as we've traveled here, there and everywhere our adventures have taken us over the past 20 years. We finally settled down in the Southern suburban sprawl of Raleigh, NC where we are raising our family and the best dog in the world. I'm a devoted Mom to just one not-so-little-any-more teenager. Ben has a voracious mind, insatiable curiosity, boundless creativity, endless energy, and instant wit. He is a great blend of his dad's engineering mind and his mom's out of the box creativity all wrapped in his own very unique humor. In him I can see the boy he was, the young man he is and the man he will be and I could not be prouder. He is very much loved!

Although I live in a big city now, I grew up in the country and then moved to a very small town as a teen. I never realized it then but I grew up in a protective loving bubble. My wonderful parents shielded me from ever realizing that any task was beyond my abilities, talent or imagination. They allowed me to make big messes and learn from my mistakes; and as a result, I grew up thinking that I really could make anything, do anything, or be anything I wanted. This is a sentiment I still believe. I try to instill a passion for creativity, imagination and a desire to seek out knowledge, compassion, and joy to everyone. I'm sure my parents cringed inside more than once hearing me say, "I saw this in the store today, and thought I can make that... only better!" To this day I can inspire fear in my husband by whispering, "This project shouldn't take any time at all...".  Fear I tell you!!!

Because of my family's unwavering encouragement, I have been making messes and creating since I was old enough to imagine beautiful things. Apparently I was not born a rich princess, (shocking, I know) so I learned at a young age to make just about anything that I wanted or imagined. You could say my love of pretties and lack of funds created the self-taught artist that I am today.  I enjoy making a variety of crafts and using all sorts of different media. Long long ago in land far away, wonderful people actually used to buy some of my creations; now I mostly just make things for my home or give them away to family and friends. 

Those that know me well, know that I love to cook and can often be found in the kitchen.  I learned to cook alongside my mother and grandmothers and they rarely ever used a recipe. I still cook that way now, although I do enjoy a good cookbook every now and then. I'm also trying to pass along a love of cooking to my son (you are welcome future daughter-in-law). In teaching Ben to cook, I have learned to love my dear father even more for quietly eating everything I made (even the bizarre, nausea-inducing food concoctions) and I try to show the same grace with Ben's creations. Recently, I've tried my hand at trying to create a slice-able sandwich bread (all yummy even if oddly sized slices); canning jams and veggies (who knew canned blackberry jelly multiplied in a dark cabinet); 3 million and 1 kale recipes (I'm not exaggerating, just ask Ben); and dehydrating meals for camping trips (fruit roll-up, anyone). 

So that's a little about me. If I’m not making a big mess, I’m probably on-line researching what I need for my next messy adventure. Rob and Ben have specifically requested it not include kale...  I'd love to connect with you and share a little bit of my corner of the world.


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