Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yes, I'm still alive....

Well it's been a long time, but I'm still alive and pretty much kicking. Life has just been moving on at warp speed. I still enjoy crafting, especially papercrafting but sometimes life just gets in the way. I have not had a lot of time this year for crafting.

We have been doing remodeling projects which have taken up a lot of my free time. I wish I could say they were finished but unfortunately I am still living in the land of half finished projects. Life isn't always what you expect it to be or what you would want it to be, but it is what it is.

Ben has continued to grow tall and strong and is still as smart as can be. He is still one of the best things in my life. He is in third grade now and a Bear in Cub Scouts. I am so proud of the boy he is today and the young man I see him becoming.

Rob still works for Alcatel, which is now Alcatel-Lucent. They are not the same company they used to be and the stress he feels at work is getting to him. It is difficult to leave that stress at work, especially when you never know when the axe may fall again.

I am still working as an elementary school counselor. I love my job because it is never the same each day, and never really a dull moment. Ben and I are at the same school, which is also special. I love knowing that I am just down the hall from him. I will miss that when he grows up and goes on to middle school.

I'm not sure what the rest of 2009 has in store for me and my little family. I'm sure many changes lie ahead. Some of them I'm sure we can't even imagine yet. Hopefully we will finish some of our many projects so that I can move from the land of half finished projects into the land of the peace and harmony. I know that would make me a happier person! As would less stress, fewer arguments, and more free time.

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