Monday, September 15, 2008

Looks like fall, but it's time for Christmas

Well, it's been a long hot summer.... sounds like the start to a trashy novel, don't you think?

Well, it's been a long hot summer she said to herself, as she tousled her auburn locks gleaming in the bright southern sun. Little did she know things were about to get hotter as he walked through the doorway ....

Of course in my life the heat is coming from working in an ancient building with a decrepit hvac system, the gleam in my auburn locks are actually grays, and "he" would be a 7 year old with a backpack full of homework, projects, and hot of the press fundraisers requiring way too much of my time. Ahhh, welcome fall!

So, we spent a good part of the summer doing some minor renovations throughout the house. Long story short, my craft room has been out of commission. But this weekend, I finally got my room back. The renovations are no where near finished, but at least I now have my own private sanctuary back. Did I mention that Rob and I switched playrooms? Now, I have the giant sunny space and he gets the little cave.

Well, while I was away from my craft room, I've been busy working on my website for school. Check out all my hard work! It's still a work in progress, but I must say I'm pretty pleased with myself! I've also been wasting my time on Facebook catching up with old friends.

Now that I have my own space back, I spent this weekend watching way too much hurricane coverage, and organizing my supplies and decorating my brand new space. Once everything was arranged perfectly, I started making cards for the Christmas open house in November. It seems way too early for Christmas to me, but I know that I've got to get hustling - November will be here soon.

Once again, I'll be at Floral Fashions in Poquoson, VA for the Christmas Kickoff the first weekend in November. If you're in the area be sure to stop by and say hello. Oh, and buy some Christmas cards!

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